Raleigh DIY Diva

North Raleigh working mom takes on the role of "DIY Diva" and chronicles the love/hate relationship she and her husband are in with their "foul-tempered old lady of a house."

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Time Off to Go Shopping! Raleigh DIY Diva- February 1, 2006



The DIY Diva took the day off yesterday and went shopping! I also got my legs waxed for the first time--yeow!! But, no shaving for 6 weeks means more time to DIY!

Since I vowed to start at the beginning, here is what we found early in the adventures led by This Old House. This photo shows the dishwasher that was present when we moved in. Who knows how old this thing was-- PO was not known for updating or upgrading. Anyhoo, the first couple of washes did OK-- but moving in we were doing a lot of paper plates and washing only glasses. When we started washing pots and pans, we noticed that they were NOT getting clean at all!! It was more work to prewash the dishes than it was worth. On the final run of the old black beast, I noticed H2O on the floor. Horrors!! We have an American Home Shield Home Warranty, so I placed the initial call. The guy came out and said, "This thing has probably been drip drip dripping for three years or more." He and I looked at each other and began to pull up the peel and stick tiles (which were ugly anyway) by hand. First shocker, then again--not so much: PO had indeed made an effort to "update" the flooring. Layer upon layer (five total) of cheap vinyl was semi-glued (finally a blessing) to the subfloor and subsequent layers of the stuff. All was secured with a weird colored quarter round. But, lo and behold, what did we find? Well guess.................................


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